
Monday, May 12, 2014


现在的自己嘛... 觉得好老啊~每天忙啊忙的,到了晚上回到家洗好澡吃饱就只想睡觉.... 为什么这么老啊!!!??? 连几位好朋友都很少联络, 对不起了。不是我不理你们而是你们这个老奶奶真的好老只想睡觉~ =X

现在本人又在异乡为着梦想打拼... 身体累,心灵也很累... 内心的·个性也变了,变得越来越小心。小心说话,免得无意伤害别人。小心做事,免得出错。小心的生活,免得自己受伤了。我现在  小心翼翼的 活着... 听起来 好像我活得很压力... 还好啦.. 我也很疼爱自己,给自己买喜欢的,吃好吃的,和好喝的。这样就可以平衡了。

现在打拼是为了以后的美好。我很努力着学习变得更好,正面的思想.. 如果有不好的回应还是会难过会懊恼,不过那些都只是一阵子的负面。负面过后我会让自己更加正面因为我是个坚强的人!我不再是从前那个软弱的家伙。

可能是从前的那段低落期我发现自己有关闭空间恐惧症。放心!是超级轻微的~ 我不再喜欢呆在同一个空间太久,比如一整天在房间,不喜欢坐在角落... 或许是这样 我才会如此强烈追求着我的梦想,像小鸟那样可以飞翔去不同的地方看世界...

我会努力实现它的!!祝我早日成功!! … ^.^v

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

yea... I come back here again... some reasons, maybe fb is too noisy and too many eyes watching on me. I cannot do, post, write anything simply in fb... be careful!! hehe... just kidding... too much friends (close, un-close, families members).

2014 Jan which is now.... i'm officially jobless. feel super bored in this long holidays and spent time at home doing nothing. hmmmm... feel like wasting time. but!!! i really wanna get a job after this cny, so i also 'try' to do some researches and some preparation for the coming 'job applying process'?? of course i understand myself, so i have to prepare myself more n more than others do.

wondering why i am writing in english?? improve my english written is one of the target for me in this brand new year... hmmm.... and also improve my korean language too... 'keep calm and love korean language all the time!!!'

wish all of you have a blessed new year, keep moving forward, stay strong, stay healthy, take all the difficulties as an opportunity!!!!! 'P'ighting!!!! ^.^